A slow marathon for the mind!
In 2020 I started running as a way to move my body during the global pandemic. I didn't like it at all, but it was the only time I would get out of the house during a time of almost total isolation at home.
It wasn't until 2022 that I found slow running - which completely changed the game for me. Suddenly my stress levels decreased and my mental health improved - running slow has truly helped my mind in so many ways.
However, running of course isn't the answer to all the mysteries of the brain (probably for very few of them, let's be real), and that's why Hjärnfonden Sverige is so important. Hjärnfonden helps fund so so many life changing scientific projects related to the brain, and I hope that the thing that helped my mind and body so much can help others get answers about theirs.
This is why I have decided to take on the (for me!) massive endeavour of running Cork City Marathon 2024 and in the process raise money to support Hjärnfonden and all the important work they fund. I have personal experience with a lot of causes they support, and for many reasons this is really close to my heart!
If you want to support my race and help me raise money for such an important cause, feel free to donate, share my link with anyone you wish, and follow along with my journey to run 42.2 km in june!
Thank you for wanting to support me in my marathon and donate to such an important cause! To donate without a swedish social security number, you need to do a bank transfer with the following information:
IBAN: SE4980 0008 3816 9945 3203 81
MESSAGE: "A slow marathon for the mind"
The message helps to link your bank transfer to this fundraiser page 😊
In 2020 I started running as a way to move my body during the global pandemic. I didn't like it at all, but it was the only time I would get out of the house during a time of almost total isolation at home.
It wasn't until 2022 that I found slow running - which completely changed the game for me. Suddenly my stress levels decreased and my mental health improved - running slow has truly helped my mind in so many ways.
However, running of course isn't the answer to all the mysteries of the brain (probably for very few of them, let's be real), and that's why Hjärnfonden Sverige is so important. Hjärnfonden helps fund so so many life changing scientific projects related to the brain, and I hope that the thing that helped my mind and body so much can help others get answers about theirs.
This is why I have decided to take on the (for me!) massive endeavour of running Cork City Marathon 2024 and in the process raise money to support Hjärnfonden and all the important work they fund. I have personal experience with a lot of causes they support, and for many reasons this is really close to my heart!
If you want to support my race and help me raise money for such an important cause, feel free to donate, share my link with anyone you wish, and follow along with my journey to run 42.2 km in june!
Thank you for wanting to support me in my marathon and donate to such an important cause! To donate without a swedish social security number, you need to do a bank transfer with the following information:
IBAN: SE4980 0008 3816 9945 3203 81
MESSAGE: "A slow marathon for the mind"
The message helps to link your bank transfer to this fundraiser page 😊
10,500 kr
0 Days left
Recent activity
Caroline Attalides HjärnfondenStort tack för din viktiga insamling till hjärnforskningen! Vilket engagemang! Slow running låter underbart härligt och precis som du skriver så för det med sig många bra saker för vår hjärna. Hur gick Cork city Marathon?
Säg till om du behöver hjälp att förlänga din insamling eller har andra frågor så finns jag till hjälp. Hälsar Caroline, ansvarig för egen insamling på Hjärnfonden. -
Özgün Mirtchev donated 200 kr
Lycka till Sigrid! Kör hårt!
Simon Asplund donated 300 kr
Anonymous User donated 688 kr
Lycka till !! En hjärtesak för kropp och själ!❤️
Siri Haglund donated 300 kr
Anonymous User donated 300 kr
Alicia Lundh donated 50 kr
Sigrid Österling Sicking: Tack Alicia! 🥰
Mattias Lindahl donated 300 kr
Lycka till på loppet nu, du grejar det !!
Sigrid Österling Sicking: Tusen tack Mattias! 💪💪💪
Ellen Johansson donated 300 kr
Fint initiativ Sigrid, och lycka till på ditt första maratonlopp! Hjärnfonden ligger mig lite extra varmt om hjärtat då dom även har stort fokus på MS. 🧡
Sigrid Österling Sicking: Tack snälla Ellen! 🥰
Haiko Steitzer donated 300 kr
Sigrid Österling Sicking: Tusen tack för din gåva Haiko!
Siri Nordqvist donated 200 kr
Sigrid Österling Sicking: Tack Siri 🥰
Helena Österling donated 500 kr
Din målmedvetenhet är fantastisk! Heja dig från hela familjen! ❤️❤️❤️
Sigrid Österling Sicking: Tack bästaste mamma! ❤️❤️
Ann Björkman donated 200 kr
Sponsra hjärnfonden -den behövs❤️
Sigrid Österling Sicking: Tack Ann! ❤️
Anonymous User donated 500 kr
Lycka till 🙂
Sigrid Österling Sicking: Tack snälla för din gåva! ❤️
Tony Honkaniemi donated 100 kr
Sigrid Österling Sicking: Tusen tack Tony!!
Håkan Berg donated 200 kr
Kör (lagom) hårt!
Sigrid Österling Sicking: Tack Håkan! 🥳🏃♀️
Björn Hedlund donated 300 kr
Vilket bra initiativ! Jag är hjärna med och stödjer denna goda hjärning 🧠 Kör hårt och ge hjärnet!
Sigrid Österling Sicking: Åh tack Björn! Jag ska tänka på din goda hjärning när jag kör hjärnet 😎😄
Ulrika Hamren donated 300 kr
Fint initiativ, fin text!
Sigrid Österling Sicking: Tack snälla! 💕
Catharina Bergold donated 100 kr
Sigrid Österling Sicking: Tack Catharina 🥰
Arty Andersson donated 100 kr
Sigrid Österling Sicking: Thank you so much Arty!
Brendan Ray donated 562 kr
Sigrid Österling Sicking: Thank you so much Brendan! 💙
Rosing Susanne donated 300 kr
Vilket bra initiativ Sigrid!! ❤️
Sigrid Österling Sicking: Åh tack snälla du! ❤️
Walléns design donated 100 kr
Sigrid Österling Sicking: Tusen tack!
Anna Österling Lagerkvist donated 100 kr
Sigrid Österling Sicking: Tack Anna 🥰